The Launchit Ventures Model:
Our Process

The Launchit process eliminates most ideas without incurring enormous costs. Launchit Ventures funds the initial stages for the identified opportunities and presents them to investors after the product and the market are fully validated.

Launchit's 4-step model is the basis for how a
true venture studio should operate.

During the first step, we engage subject matter experts to refine the idea, assess the strengths and weaknesses of the idea, and assess its fit for Launchit Ventures.
Design Thinking

Engage with subject matter experts to refine the idea

Idea Scoring

Identify the strengths and weaknesses

In this step, we test the idea to ensure it solves a problem that customers are in fact facing, that people will pay for, and we build the financial model.
Prototype Agent

Develop the idea to the point where Launchit is confident promoting it

Market Research

Identify pilot customers, verify need for the product, and validate pricing

This is where the magic happens. We transform the idea into a company by building the product, establishing marketing plans, and setting up the legal entity for the business.
Investor Pitch

Present to investors and establish core team that brings the product or service to market

MVP Development

Create and launch the first version of the new product

Market Strategy

Achieve a competitive advantage within the target market

Legal Entity

Create a legal entity and setup shareholder agreements

As the venture grows, it begins to operate independently while still having Launchit as a resource.

Walk alongside the entrepreneur to guide, support, and share insights


Grow profits and provide returns on the investment